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Book Cover Design

A well-designed book cover can really help capture the attention of readers and make your book stand out on bookstore shelves. An aesthetically pleasing exterior design is one of the most critical features when marketing books, and we'll make sure your cover will definitely leave book enthusiasts in awe.

Product Details

Description Quantity Total

Book Cover($235.00) 1 $235.00

Add-Ons (Illustration)

Spot Page ($55.00) 0 $0.00

Full Page ($115.00) 0 $0.00

Half Page($85.00) 0 $0.00

Spread ($210.00) 0 $0.00

Book Layout ($275.00) 0 $0.00

Total Amount: 1 USD235.00

Order Summary

Description Quantity (x) Total

Full Page 1 $235.00

Add-Ons (Illustration)

addon Page 0 $0.00

addon Page 0 $0.00

Book Cover 0 $0.00

Spread 0 $0.00

Book Layout 0 $0.00

Total Amount: $1 USD235.00

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