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Half Page Illustration

When it comes to the half-page illustration, you can certainly tailor your choice in a way that creates an impressive overall effect with fewer details than a full page. Yet, as far as the detail level goes, this is still enough for most scenarios, and our team is dedicated and determined to ensure that we will fulfill our goals as efficiently as possible.

Product Details

Description Quantity Total

Half Page($85.00) 1 $85.00

Add-Ons (Illustration)

Spot Page ($55.00) 0 $0.00

Full Page ($115.00) 0 $0.00

Book Cover($235.00) 0 $0.00

Spread ($210.00) 0 $0.00

Book Layout ($275.00) 0 $0.00

Total Amount: 1 USD85.00

Order Summary

Description Quantity (x) Total

Full Page 1 $115.00

Add-Ons (Illustration)

addon Page 0 $0.00

addon Page 0 $0.00

Book Cover 0 $0.00

Spread 0 $0.00

Book Layout 0 $0.00

Total Amount: $1 USD85.00

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