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Spot Page Illustration

These simple yet attractive designs do a good job of drawing attention to a page that is mostly made up of text. It's usually optional to go into detail on their background because they occupy little more than 1/4 of the space on the page. Furthermore, we'll still do an amazing job illustrating your story if you opt to go with this one.

Product Details

Description Quantity Total

Spot Page($55.00) 1 $55.00

Add-Ons (Illustration)

Half Page ($85.00) 0 $0.00

Full Page ($115.00) 0 $0.00

Book Cover($235.00) 0 $0.00

Spread ($210.00) 0 $0.00

Book Layout ($275.00) 0 $0.00

Total Amount: 1 USD55.00

Order Summary

Description Quantity (x) Total

Full Page 1 $55.00

Add-Ons (Illustration)

addon Page 0 $0.00

addon Page 0 $0.00

Book Cover 0 $0.00

Spread 0 $0.00

Book Layout 0 $0.00

Total Amount: $1 USD55.00

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