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5 Insider Tips in Creating A Compelling Marketing Video


With today’s situation, videos are becoming more and more influential when it comes to people’s decision-making processes. Marketers, brands, and businesses should harness the power of a compelling marketing video towards their audience’s engagements and actions. It was according to eBay and AMAZON that adding a video in retail and services industries can increase up to 35% of the monthly revenue.

With this being stated, there is no doubt that a compelling marketing video can really boost up a brand’s performance. Now that the fact has been identified, the next step is getting to know how to produce a convincing marketing video. A marketing video works as a specialty dish. You have to know the right recipe to make it work for your audiences.

Now take your notes and start taking down the insider information shared by us – Modeo Media Animation Studio.

Compelling marketing videos start with a killer concept and script

Modeo Media Creative Thinking

Delivering a message through videos is a mixture of technical abilities and creativity.  Getting to know the main thought of the video will create a good score for the video delivery.  Once you’ve got the concept,  it is now time to write a killer script. You can write your own, but a compelling marketing video should be written by someone who can take a fresh look at your company.

There are animation studios that offer a complete package from scripting up to the final production.

These animation studios can help you identify a better perspective as a third-person viewer of your brand. They can guide you out with other aspects of the technical needs of the script for it to be more attractive to your audiences.

Always KISS (Keep-It-Short-and-Silly)

Modeo Media Strategy

A compelling marketing video should not be as long as a film, but not as short as a Tiktok video. Combining the killer script and the right length is one of the core foundations of an effective marketing video. In writing, also consider the “150 words per minute” rule. It means that in every minute your script should not exceed the 150-word count.

There are four identified elements to make the formula work. The focal point of the video should be pointed out to these elements:

The Problem: (0:00 – 0:20)

Get to know the customer’s problems in 20 seconds. Exposing their pain points, in the beginning, will make the video relatable in an instant to the audience.

The Solution: (0:20 – 0:25)

Introduce the product or the service as the solution to your audience’s problem. Hit it straight to the thing that they are in need of.

How It Works: (0:25 – 0:50)

Briefly tackle how your product or your brand works.  Always use the unique propositions of your brand or service to make it more outstanding than the rest.

The Call to Action: (0:50 – 0:60)

Give the audience the avenue to take action. After exposing the problem and giving solutions, the final step is to drive them to your service. It could be a phone call, send an email, or drive to purchase. Make your intentions clear.

Use humor or kill the boredom!


People nowadays with the current restrictions due to the COVID-19  situations are just inside their homes. The isolation changed the landscape of how people use the internet. Some are looking for fun, or just trying to find ways to entertain themselves. This part started the movement on the inclusion of humor in marketing videos.

A compelling marketing video should not just represent the brand or the product. There should be added values such as humor, education, and even entertainment.

When a video is entertaining, your audiences will be sharing it organically, thus, doing the marketing for you.

Use professional voices and audio

Modeo Media Recording Studio

A compelling explainer video is not just about the video quality. Always remember that there are other factors that will surely affect the entirety of the output – professional audio.

Creating a quality video includes a professional voice-over and audio.

Who would want to listen to a shaky explanation and voices?

And one of the most important factors in creating a great explainer video or other video marketing is using professional voice over.

Here are just a few reasons why using professional voice-over beats out amateur recordings. This action will help you some time and the effort to source out the perfect fit for your marketing ideas.  It will help you focus more on the fundamentals parts of your brand.

Let others do the work for you!

Launch it on the best avenue for video hosting

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A compelling marketing video is not enough to win the market.

Knowing the whenwhere, and hows of the online algorithms are one of the best defenses that an online marketer can use. So take a good study on where your fans or audiences are saturated. If they’re on Facebook, then get to know what time they are online.

Always remember the quote, “Failure to plan, is planning  to fail.”  Get to know what are the usual needs before letting your video out in the wild.

So now that we have presented all of our insider tips on creating a compelling marketing video, the ball is now in your hands. With all of the information above, you may now start looking for the best animation studio to help you out with your next marketing video output.

One thing’s for sure, Modeo Media Animation Studio is the expert here.