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Illustrate Your Stories!

Imagination leaps off pages with our stellar Illustration Services. From captivating
Children's Book Illustrations to stunning Book Cover Artwork, our team crafts
mesmerizing visuals. Collaborate with Modeo Media for top-notch designs!

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Versatility in Every Stroke

Discover diverse illustrations across genres! From children's stories to medical guides and comics, we cater to all.
Our expertise spans book covers, character designs, and custom artwork—bringing storytelling to vibrant life!

Illustrated Book Collections

Discover exciting stories with our illustrated book collections. Each book is filled with colorful pictures that make the stories come alive. Dive into a collection that brings joy to your bookshelf.

Illustrate Your Story Step by Step

Bring your story to life with our help. We'll guide you through each step of creating
beautiful illustrations. Start turning your ideas into captivating visuals today!


This is the time we get more information about your story, with you providing us with all of the details, which makes it easier for everyone to dive into what this tale is going to be!


If you have something specific in mind, you can provide references for what you want, and we'll help you work towards it. But if not, then don't worry—no matter the age range or story topic, we have plenty of style suggestions ready for you!


Building the character designs for your story depends on what kind of style and narrative you have going, or it can be different depending on whether you're aiming for a magical adventure or an intense sci-fi drama.


To make sure the story integrates seamlessly, we'll create a detailed visual storyboard with rough sketches based on your script so we can get an idea of how it'll flow.


Coming up is creating basic sketches for each scene in the book, which can help us visualize it better. We draw them out as simple black-and-white illustrations to help visualize the aspects that will make up your book!


Once the sketches are approved, we can finalize the rendering by
incorporating color, textures, and other details.


Phew, finally we've reached the end stage of rendering all those illustrations for your book.
Now it's time to get them out and start showing off that hard work!


We'll also take care of integrating the texts that you provide with any illustrations or designs created, and we'll lay out each page in your book to make sure it looks great.


Finally, we are ready to show you a sneak peek of the finalized version of your book and
how it will appear when we publish it for the world to see.

Book Illustrations,
Affordable Choice

Get beautiful illustrations for your book at a price you can afford. From children's stories to technical guides,
we offer quality artwork for all genres. Your unique story, now wonderfully illustrated, without breaking the bank!

Spot Page Illustration

These simple yet attractive designs do a good job of drawing attention to a page that is mostly made up of text. It's usually optional to go into detail on their background because they occupy little more than 1/4 of the space on the page. Furthermore, we'll still do an amazing job illustrating your story if you opt to go with this one.

$55 per Illustration

Half Page Illustration

When it comes to the half-page illustration, you can certainly tailor your choice in a way that creates an impressive overall effect with fewer details than a full page. Yet, as far as the detail level goes, this is still enough for most scenarios, and our team is dedicated and determined to ensure that we will fulfill our goals as efficiently as possible.

$85 per Illustration

Full Page Illustration

A full page, often with a complete bleed, is frequently the best size for presenting storytelling or artwork. Whether the text is included in the illustration or is shown fully on a separate page, it offers the room and impact needed to captivate the audience. Depending on your preference, we can present it for you on one page or two complete pages.

$115 per Illustration

Spread Illustration

If you're into the aesthetically pleasing form of art that involves creating a single image or scene between two pages as seen in popular kinds of literature such as picture books, our team can easily illustrate your book even if it's more on the wider side. It's both beautiful and effective for storytelling purposes, especially for younger audiences.

$210 per Illustration

Book Cover Design

A well-designed book cover can really help capture the attention of readers and make your book stand out on bookstore shelves. An aesthetically pleasing exterior design is one of the most critical features when marketing books, and we'll make sure your cover will definitely leave book enthusiasts in awe.


Book Layout Design

Whether your book is technical or intended for a younger audience, we can help illustrate it. For as many as 32 pages, we'll take care of the text, graphics, and colors for only $5 per additional page. Our team excels at illustration for any type of book. From narratives to technical details, we ensure everything appears great for print and digital media.


See Rate

Spot Page Illustration

See Rate

Half Page Illustration

See Rate

Full Page Illustration

See Rate

Spread Illustration

See Rate

Book Cover Design

See Rate

Book Layout Design

Spot Page Illustration

These simple yet attractive designs do a good job of drawing attention to a page that is mostly made up of text. It's usually optional to go into detail on their background because they occupy little more than 1/4 of the space on the page. Furthermore, we'll still do an amazing job illustrating your story if you opt to go with this one.

$260 per Illustration

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Half Page Illustration

When it comes to the half-page illustration, you can certainly tailor your choice in a way that creates an impressive overall effect with fewer details than a full page. Yet, as far as the detail level goes, this is still enough for most scenarios, and our team is dedicated and determined to ensure that we will fulfill our goals as efficiently as possible.

$300 per Illustration

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Full Page Illustration

A full page, often with a complete bleed, is frequently the best size for presenting storytelling or artwork. Whether the text is included in the illustration or is shown fully on a separate page, it offers the room and impact needed to captivate the audience. Depending on your preference, we can present it for you on one page or two complete pages.

$150 per Illustration

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Spread Illustration

If you're into the aesthetically pleasing form of art that involves creating a single image or scene between two pages as seen in popular kinds of literature such as picture books, our team can easily illustrate your book even if it's more on the wider side. It's both beautiful and effective for storytelling purposes, especially for younger audiences.

$215 per Illustration

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Book Cover Design

A well-designed book cover can really help capture the attention of readers and make your book stand out on bookstore shelves. An aesthetically pleasing exterior design is one of the most critical features when marketing books, and we'll make sure your cover will definitely leave book enthusiasts in awe.


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Book Layout Design

Whether your book is technical or intended for a younger audience, we can help illustrate it. For as many as 32 pages, we'll take care of the text, graphics, and colors for only $5 per additional page. Our team excels at illustration for any type of book. From narratives to technical details, we ensure everything appears great for print and digital media.


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The Art of Team

Meet the talented artists at Modeo Media, where we bring stories to life through illustrations. Our team is
passionate about creating captivating visuals that enhance your literary vision. From visionary perspectives to
careful attention to detaiBl, we're here to make your stories visually stunning and engaging.

Answers to Your
Creative Curiosities

Got questions about book illustrations? Our FAQ's got your back! Explore, learn, and let's paint
your story together. Let's turn your ideas into captivating visuals for your stories.

Scope of Work READ MORE

How long does the illustration process typically take?

The timeline varies based on the complexity and scope of the project. We aim to provide a clear timeline during the consultation phase, ensuring we meet your deadlines effectively.


Can you create illustrations that evoke specific emotions or atmospheres within the story?

Absolutely, our artists excel in conveying emotions and atmospheres through illustrations. By understanding the narrative context, we create visuals that evoke the desired emotional response.

Pricing & PaymentREAD MORE

How much do your illustration services cost?

Pricing for illustrations varies based on complexity and quantity. Visit this LINK for specific rates. Custom quotes available for requests outside standard pricing, depending on requirements

Communication & ConfidentialityREAD MORE

How do you ensure the confidentiality and security of my story and ideas?

Client confidentiality is paramount to us. We sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) upon request and ensure that your story and ideas remain secure throughout the collaboration.


Do you offer custom illustrations for specific genres or age groups?

Certainly! Our illustrators have experience creating captivating visuals for various genres and age groups, including children's books, fantasy, non-fiction, and more. We tailor our illustrations to suit your audience and genre requirements.

Revisions & DeadlinesREAD MORE

What happens if I'm not satisfied with the final illustrations?

Customer satisfaction is our priority. We offer multiple revision rounds during the illustration process to ensure your satisfaction. If needed, we work closely with you to address any concerns.

Read More
Scope of Work Requests Styles Payment Revision Confidentiality
Scope of Work Requests Styles Payment Revision Confidentiality

What file formats will the final illustrations be delivered in?

We provide high-resolution files in formats compatible with both print and digital media. Common formats include JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and PSD, among others, based on your needs.

What if I need illustrations for a series of books?

We offer continuity in style and theme for the book series. Consistency across multiple books is crucial, and our team ensures a cohesive look throughout the series.

Do you provide illustration services for self-publishing authors?

Absolutely, we work with both traditional publishers and self-publishing authors. Our goal is to help bring your story to life visually, regardless of the publishing route you choose.

Do you provide illustration services for non-fiction or technical books?

Yes, we offer illustration services for a wide range of genres, including non-fiction and technical books. Our artists can create informative and visually engaging illustrations to complement the content.

When illustrating a book, do you provide storyboard or concept art services to help visualize the story?

Of course, we can provide storyboarding or concept art to help visualize the plot before moving on to illustrations. This helps in the development of the story's visual parts.

What if I need illustrations in multiple languages or for international audiences?

We can accommodate illustrations for multiple languages or international audiences. Visual storytelling can transcend language barriers, and we ensure our illustrations resonate universally.

Do you offer illustration services for chapter books or novels with occasional illustrations?

Of course, we can draw pictures for chapter books or novels that occasionally add images to the text to highlight significant plot points.


Can I request sample sketches or previews before committing to the full illustrations?

Absolutely, we can offer sample sketches or previews as part of the first consultation process or for a little cost. This enables you to see the illustrations' direction before moving forward.

Can you create illustrations based on a rough sketch or concept I have in mind?

Absolutely, we welcome rough sketches or concept ideas from clients. Our artists can work with your initial concepts to refine and develop them into professional illustrations.

Can you assist with formatting illustrations for different book sizes and layouts?

Yes, our team is skilled in adapting illustrations to fit various book sizes and layouts. Whether it's a standard novel or a children's picture book, we ensure the illustrations complement the layout seamlessly.

What is the process for making changes or requesting revisions to the illustrations?

We facilitate a collaborative process where you can provide feedback at various stages. Revisions are made based on your feedback until the illustrations meet your satisfaction.

What if I have a unique request or a project that doesn't fit standard criteria?

We welcome unique and unconventional projects! Feel free to contact us with your specific request, and we'll explore how we can bring your vision to life through illustrations.

What if I need illustrations for book-related merchandise or marketing materials?

We provide illustrations for marketing and merchandise. Additional costs may apply based on specific requirements for your promotional materials or designs.


Do you offer character design services?

Yes, we specialize in creating unique and engaging characters tailored to your story. From initial sketches to finalized designs, we ensure characters resonate with your audience.

What if I need illustrations in black and white or grayscale?

We cater to various color schemes, including black-and-white or grayscale illustrations. Our artists adapt their styles to suit the specific needs of your project.

Can I request illustrations that incorporate typography or text elements?

Absolutely, we can integrate typography or text elements within the illustrations as per your requirements. This can include book titles, quotes, or other textual elements seamlessly merged with the visuals.

Can you match the illustrations to an existing art style in a series or from a previous book?

Absolutely, maintaining consistency in art style is crucial, especially for series or related books. We ensure our illustrations match existing art styles for a seamless transition.

Can I see samples of your previous work before making a decision?

Certainly! We have a portfolio showcasing our previous projects across different genres and styles. Viewing our portfolio can give you an idea of our artistic range and capabilities.

Can you work with specific themes or visual references provided by the client?

Absolutely! Your input is valuable in shaping the illustrations. Whether you have specific themes, references, or visual styles in mind, we collaborate closely to bring your vision to life.


Do you offer rush services for tight deadlines?

We understand the importance of meeting deadlines. Depending on availability and project scope, we may offer rush services for an additional fee.

How can I pay for the services?

You can conveniently pay through our website's pricing section using PayPal, and we welcome payments via bank wire transfer. Our agreement will outline specific and detailed payment terms for your convenience and transparency.

Do you offer package deals for multiple illustrations or bulk projects?

Yes, we have package deals for clients requiring multiple illustrations or bulk projects. These packages often offer cost savings and streamline the process for larger projects.

What if I have a limited budget? Do you offer options for cost-effective illustrations?

We understand budget constraints and offer different service tiers or options to accommodate various budgets while maintaining quality. We can discuss options that suit your financial plan.

Are there any additional services or perks included with the illustration packages?

Depending on the package or project scope, we may offer additional services such as design consultations, concept development, or promotional material design to enhance your overall experience.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


What if I have a specific deadline for the completion of illustrations?

We do our best to accommodate specific deadlines. Please inform us of your timeline during the initial discussions, and we'll strive to meet your schedule whenever possible.

Can I request revisions to the illustrations?

Yes, absolutely! We value your input and offer revision rounds to ensure the illustrations align with your vision. Clear communication during the process helps us refine and perfect the artwork to your satisfaction.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


How do I communicate my ideas and vision for the illustrations?

We encourage open communication. You can provide written descriptions, visual references, mood boards, or any other materials that help convey your vision. We work closely with you to understand and realize your ideas.

How do I start the process?

It's easy to get started! You can contact us by filling out our inquiry form or through our website. Then, we'll contact you again shortly to go over the next steps.

When the drawings are finished, what rights do I have?

Upon full receipt of your payment, you'll obtain complete project files and the associated rights for your use.

Share Your Vision

Want amazing illustrations for your book? Use our contact form to reach us easily.
We'll help bring your story to life with unique and beautiful artwork. Get in touch today!

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